Rabu, 25 September 2013

Hello traveler, How are you? Im just back from my trip in Maluku 2 weeks ago with my friend and now I want to share it with you guys. ;) 
We made plan to travel to Maluku together, I helped him to manage all the trip and meeting point was in Surabaya. So, my trip was starting from Semarang (Tawang Station) to Surabaya (Pasar Turi Station) by train (Harina) about 6 hours. And then Juanda Airport Surabaya. It was not easy to go to the airport, and finally I went by taxi, and quite expensive, Rp 150.000. Actually there is a shuttle from train station to the air port but I can tell you that was not easy to catch the shuttle. You have to go first to terminal and then wait til the shuttle will be full. The shuttle goes every 2 hours and costs Rp 30.000,- 

I arrived at airport on  August 17th 2013 at 15.30 and do you know? my flight was on  August 18th at 07.10 on Lion Air LOL. so I was sleeping at airport and fortunately I was not alone, I met my friend at airport for travelling to Maluku together.

was sleeping before the flight LOL

From our window in aircraft


Finally Arrived in Ambon, Pattimura Airport after 3 hours flight. We were waiting for our luggages for half an hour I guess and we missed the shuttle to go to the city. So bad !!. No choice, so I made a deal with the taxi driver to go to the city, it was Rp 170.000,- and the taxi driver was so friendly and gave us  many informations, his name is Bang Roy. We were enjoying our 1 hour trip to go to Ambon city, it was beautiful and windy. We stayed at Pacific Hotel for 4 days, very good hotel. Clean, towell smells good, good meal, friendly staff and close to everywhere. you can walk to the city center, traditional market, angkot terminal, and only 15 minutes from the harbour. Ambon is nice, good transportation, people are friendly, good foods, but a bit busy and crowded. it was raining everydady when we were there. Dry season is from the end of september until February.

  • First day (August 18th, 2013)
We went to PELNI, this is the office where you can ask the schedules of the boat and ferry to go to some islands around Ambon. Then we went to city center to look around, it is quite nice and clean. There is old mall in the city where you can find many cheap things. We went to hairdresser from the mall by becak (pedicap) for Rp 15.000,-. It was raining when we came out of the hair dresser, then we were waiting in front of the hairdresser to go to the other mall to find something to eat and suddenly the staff  came out to help us to find an angkot to got to the mall with an umbrella. Well, we were happy to arrived in the mall where we found our favorite bread, it was Bread Talk shop . We went back to the hotel and had dinner there, the fried rice we ordered was very good. It was great to see that there was good cookers at the restaurant.

  • Second Day (August 19th, 2013)
It was raining in the morning when we woke up. We had breakfast at the hotel, it was very good breakfast : Bread, butter and orange. Fortunately, the weather became sunny again.^^. We went to the harbour (Pelabuhan kecil) by walk, to ask some informations to go to Buru for the next trip and they said that the ferry was going every two days.

The Harbour (Pelabuhan Kecil), with big Ship

We were walking on the other side of the city, and then we visited the biggest mosque of Ambon. 

in the evening we were going to Natsepa beach to enjoy the sunset and find something for the late lunch ^^. How to go there? catch angkot to go to Suli or Hatu from Pasar Mardika (Mardika Traditional Market) and ask to stop in Natsepa beach, costs Rp 5000. After 20 minutes we arrived at Natsepa Beach and bought fried casava for the late lunch only for Rp 8.000,-. We enjoyed our lunch on the beach with fresh air and with a beautiful view. Then we were swimming during the sunset ;)

Pasar Mardika (Mardika Traditional Market)

Natsepa Beach

Natsepa Beach

Natsepa Beach

Natsepa Beach

Natsepa Beach

Natsepa Beach

Natsepa Beach

Natsepa Beach 

There is a bath room to have shower after swimming and you can put the bags while you go swim at the guide beach’s house just next the bathroom for Rp 10.000,-. We went back to the city (Pasar Mardika) by the same angkot and we had dinner at Berkat Ambonia Restaurant, we went by becak to this Restaurant for Rp 15.000,-  You can eat pork in this restaurant, very good menu and big meal lol
During our dinner, we were talking about Buru island with the guy just next our table, he was from Buru island and gave us some informations. He said it is better to go to Buru island from Galala port than the port we had visited in the morning, with better ferry. And fortunately he will go to Buru at the same day as we plan to go. So, see you in ferry ^^ 

  • Third day (August 20th, 2013)
We went to some beaches in Ambon which were a bit far from the city. Felawatu beach, Pintu Kota beach and Santai beach. How to go there? We went by angkot to go to Latuhalat from Pasar Mardika and asked to stop in felawatu beach, cost Rp 7000,-/person. The angkot stopped in the main road and we walked to the beach around 1 Km, but if you prefer you can go by “ojek” to the beach for Rp 10.000,- /person. We were walking with some boys who were just back from school and they were so kind,  bring us to go to Felawatu beach. There was some people who were fishing on this beach.  I can tell you that this beach is not very special, and it was not good idea to swim.

Felawatu Beach

We only took a picture and then went to Pintu Kota Beach. We were walking around 2 Km to the beach, actually there was an angkot to go to Pintu Kota beach but you have to wait for hours. Anyway, better to go walk with nice people and a nice view on the way. You can go from Ambon city (“Pasar Mardika”)  to Pintu Kota Beach by an angkot to Air louw and then ask for stopping in Pintu Kota Beach.
On the way to Pintu Kota Beach

We had to pay to visit Pintu Kota Beach, the ticket was Rp 2000,-/person.  It was nice beach with nice view, strong waves and there were stairs to go to the top of the hill to see the ocean. it was Beautiful !! 

Pintu Kota beach

From the top of the hill in Pintu Kota beach

From the top of the hill in Pintu Kota beach

Then we went to the last beach of our trip that day and our favorite beach was Santai beach ^^
We were walking and fortunately there was angkot on the way, so we took it to go to Santai beach lol. It was very beautiful beach with white sand and blue water, nice people, there was a bathroom to have shower and finally the sun appeared for us and we swam and enjoyed the sun. ;)
We had to pay Rp 5000,-/person to go to this beach and if you want to stay, there is a homestay just next the beach for Rp 170.000/night. It is only for room, not include the meal.

Home stay on Santai beach

Santai beach

Santai beach

Santai beach

Santai beach

Santai beach

Santai beach

People were helping a fisherman who was just back from fishing

We went back with the same angkot to the city (Pasar Mardika) and we went by becak for Rp 15.000,- to Istana Berkat Restaurant where we had dinner. it was very good meal and seafood. Yummy ^^ and after we went to book store just next the restaurant to buy some post cards to send to our friends. That was for today and we went back to the hotel

  • Forth day (August 21st, 2013)
We woke up in the early morning to went to Galala port to buy the tickets to go to Buru island in the evening, you have to buy it in the early morning or if you come later you wouldn't have none tickets lol. Finally we got our tickets to go to Buru island, business class Rp 80.000,-/person. We went back to the hotel to have breakfast and after we went to the post office to send some post cards to our friends and on the way we stopped to the biggest church of Ambon. It was nice church and clean.  After we were walking in the city to have a look for some hotels for us, effectively we had to plan where to stay of our last day in Ambon, on the way we stopped in the bakery for snack time, the name of  this is Sarinda Bakery. They have good cakes and bread, so yummy ^^.
We went to city center and took some picurets before leaving to buru lol. Then we had lunch in Panorama Cafe, this restaurant is at the top of the city, so you will have a nice city scenery from there.

city center of Ambon

city center of Ambon

The view from Panorama cafe

The view from Panorama cafe

That was for our forth day in Ambon, we went back to the hotel to take our luggages and we went to Galala port to go to Buru island by Roy's taxi again for Rp 100.000,-
Don' forget to read my post about BURU ISLAND, see you in the next post ^^

*Useful Information

  • There is laundry service after the small bridge just behind the biggest mosque of Ambon, the name of the mosque is "Masjid Raya Al Fatah" we putted our laundry there. Rp 30.000 for 5 Kg cloths for 3 days service. You can ask for one day service with double price 
  • I suggest you to use BNI ATM to take some money from ATM in Ambon, we had no problem with those ATM.


Transportation on this island is good, you can go everywhere by public transportation. No taxi with taximeter, so you always have to make a deal with the driver about the price. Actually it is not real taxi in Ambon, only car with the driver who always ask you to go to the place where you want.

Public transportation with some people inside, in Ambon the "Angkot" stop is at "Pasar Mardika" (Mardika Traditional Market). So you can catch "Angkot" to go to everywhere from Pasar Mardika. 

It's like a taxi but instead of using car, they use motorcycle.

Cycle transportation with the driver at the back. 

Where to stay :

1. Pacific Hotel  
    Jalan Cendrawasih no 8 Ambon. Telephone +6285343244557 

2. Swiss-belhotel Ambon
    Jalan Banteng Kapaha, Ambon. Telephone 0911-322888 

3. Everbright Hotel 
    Jalan Cendrawasih no 20 Ambon. Telephone 0911-343699 

4. Victoria Guest House
     Jalan Slamet Riyadi no 2 Ambon. Telephone 0911-3880000 / 0911-341234

5. CitiHub Hero Hotel 
    Jalan Wem Reawaru 7B Ambon. Telephone 0911-342898

6. The Amboina Hotel 
     Jalan Kapitan Ulupaha No. 5A Ambon. Telephone 0911-341725

7. Mutiara Hotel
    Jalan Pattimura 12, Ambon. Telephone 0911-353075 / 0911-353873 / 0911-353874

8. Colin Beach Hotel
    about Rp 200.000/ night, AC and include breakfast.
    Standing right next to Namalatu Beach in the village of Latuhalat just 30 minutes from city center (0911 – 323125)

9. Pak Agus Homestay
    Just across the road from Namalatu Beach, about Rp 150.000/night with AC

10. Santai Beach Cottages
      In Santai Beach, Rp 170.000/night 

Where to eat :

1. Istana Berkat Restaurant 
    Jalan Diponegoro Ambon. Telephone 0911-355899
    (Indonesian food)

2. Berkat Ambonia Restaurant 
    Jalan Diponegoro Ambon. Telephone 0911-342802
    (Indonesian food and you can eat pork here)

3. Rumah Tahoe Ambon 
    Jalan Kakialy No. 4 Ambon. Telephone 081243457355
    (Indonesian and Italian food. Open from 13.00 - 19.00) 

4. Panorama Cafe 

5. Sarinda Bakery 
    Jalan Sultan Hairun (in front of BCA Bank)
    0911 - 355109

Thank you for read my post about my trip in Ambon, if you have some questions and want to share something, you can drop me an email at indonesiantraveler93@gmail.com . I will be very happy if you give the comments or share some details of your trip as well. Enjoy your trip and dont forget I can be your tour guide or manage your trip in Indonesia ;)

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